protea recipes

Protea is more than a drink, and so obviously we feel the need to put it in everything.

Feeling the summer heat and looking to beat the heat with some refreshing but healthy treats? Here are a few recipes to cool you down while giving you a protein boost. 


Mango jasmine tea

What’s better than embracing the summer vibes with a cup of refreshing, fruity tea? Mango jasmine tea is a blend of tropical flavour and floral notes from jasmine tea, plus a protein boost from Protea. The perfect to-go drink when craving something tropical and revitalising!


Ingredients (2 servings):

  - 1 bottle Protea

  - 1 Ripe fresh mango

  - Sweetener of your choice e.g. honey, stevia (optional)

  - Mint leaves for garnish



1. Grab a mango, chop it up!

2. Throw the mango into the blender, along with a splash of sweetener if you’ve got a sweet tooth.

3. Pour some ice cubes and the mango puree into the glass. Top it off with Protea.

4. Feeling fancy? Garnish with some mint leaves and mango slices! 


Nutrition (without sweetener, 2 servings) 

Calories 307 kcal | Protein 23g | Carbs 60g | Sugar 46g


Protea jelly

Craving for dessert but worried about the nutrient content? Protea jelly makes an excellent healthy dessert that combines the natural jasmine tea aroma in Protea, with a protein boost, like the grown-up version of those square jelly cups we had as kids, but way healthier. A perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt!


Ingredients (2 servings):

  - 1 bottle Protea

  - 15g gelatine (3 teaspoons) or agar for vegans

  - Sweetener of your choice e.g. honey, stevia (optional)

  - Water



1. Let your bottle of Protea take a rest at room temperature — the cold can mess up your jelly!

2. Add Protea to a large bowl, add sweetener if you want.

3. Dissolve gelatine in hot water (or agar if you’re vegan!). Let if cool slightly but stay liquid.

4. Add gelatine to the mixture. Mix well.

5. Pour into containers/moulds and cool at room temperature

6. Pop it in the fridge, and wait for the magic to happen!


Nutrition (without sweetener, using gelatine, 2 servings) 

Calories 155 kcal | Protein 32g | Carbs 10g | Sugar 0g


Blueberry tea sorbet

In those scotching summer days, have you ever had the urge to shove your face into the freezer? Don’t worried, we all had. This one is for when you want to face-plant into the freezer — a nice little treat for yourself to enjoy the cooling temperature of the freezer without, well, actually having to stuck your head into the freezer.

Ingredients (2 servings):

  - 1 bottle Protea

  - Small handful of lime/lemon zest (optional)

  - 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

  - Sweetener of your choice e.g. honey, stevia (optional)



1. Put everything into the blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a shallow container, freeze for 45 minutes until the edge solidifies.

3. Remove from freezer every now and then (around 30 minutes) to break the ice crystals with fork, whisk, or hand-held mixer to keep it smooth.

4. After 2-3 hours, it should be frozen with a smooth consistency.

 **An ice cream maker can be used instead, just follow the instructions of your ice cream maker!


It is like eating a frozen cloud. Stop sticking your head into the freezer and make this one instead.


Nutrition (without sweetener, 2 servings) 

Calories 189 kcal | Protein 21g | Carbs 32g | Sugar 15g


Protea chia seed pudding

Looking for a nutritious, energy-boosting breakfast to start your day? This refreshing pudding made with Protea helps to start your day with vigour, while the high-fibre content is filling enough to keep you energised the entire morning. What’s better? You can make it the night before and enjoy your delicious breakfast the next morning without being in a rush!


Ingredients (2 servings):

  - 1 bottle Protea

  - 100g chia seeds

  - Sweetener of your choice e.g. honey, stevia (optional)

  - Optional toppings: fresh/dried fruits, nuts, shredded coconut



1. Mix everything together, preferably in a jar.

2. Let it chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours, or overnight for the best results.

3. Add your desired toppings and enjoy your breakfast!


Nutrition (without sweetener and toppings, 2 servings)

Calories 591 kcal | Protein 36.5g | Carbs 52g | Sugar 0g | Dietary fibre 34g


So there it is — 4 different ways to beat the heat together with Protea. Give them a try and stay cool out there!

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