Why do we use whey protein?

Whey protein is probably one of the most well-research nutritional supplements out there, and we think its popularity is well-deserved.

So we're pretty sure it:

Helps maintain a healthy weight

  • By shedding fat while keeping your muscle mass, it helps you lose fat faster because muscles burn calories even while you're resting.
  • This effect (positive body composition change with more protein) is much larger during weight loss compared to during weight maintenance.
  • You’re also more likely to stick with weight loss program, and regain less weight irrespective of physical activity or self control.
  • Protein also takes more energy to digest - so you're burning calories just by absorbing it!

    Supports healthy aging


      Helps recovery

        If you want to know more, feel free to check out our post on how we make protea.

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